Season 4 Episodes
*I have changed the episode descriptions to bullet points from Season 4 onward.
Episode 31
Caleb Eby (CAJ 2004) Missionary -Rescue work with CRASH (Christian Relief, Assistance, Support, Help) after the Tohoku earthquake, -The demographic of Christianity in Japan and in Gifu, -Changes needed with the way Japanese churches recruit, -How No Place Left networks and operates, -What the day to day operations like being a missionary, -Bible College, and why "Gifu prefecture". -CAJ in comparison to schools in Gifu, -Strengths and weaknesses of Christian Academy Japan (CAJ) from an alums perspective. Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 32
Yumi (Youme) Araki (ASIJ 2006) Journalist Check out "Deciphering Japan" a four part docu-series, where Journalist Yumi Araki explores her home country as it enters an era of great social and political transformation. She explores the hot-button issues that have both galvanized and polarized the nation. -What ignited interest in journalism, -The importance of being versatile in multimedia in modern day journalism, -Will print media (in Japan) die out completely? -Writing for sound v writing for print, -Is media content changing to adjust to the demographics or the other way around?, -Japans increase in foreign population, -Japans aging population/population in decline, -karoushi, and Japanese work culture, -The culture of work at the Japanese work place, -Yumis identity and how Japanese perspective in regards to "identity" is shifting (*shout out to Naomi Sundberg class of 2008 who makes an appearance on episode 4 of "Deciphering Japan" -How did the series, "Deciphering Japan" come-about? Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 33
Dr. Tom Kashiwagi D.O./M.D. (ASIJ 2007) Doctor (Internal Medicine) -D.O. vs. M.D., -When Tom decided to pursue a career path in medicine, -Tom falls in love with magic, -Magic for patients, -The effects of COVID-19, -Waking up at 4AM every day (building good habits), -Mixology, Sushi, and entrepreneurship. Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 34
Brenden Lynce (Kinnick 2003) Semiconductor Equipment Engineer -Experience at Kinnick HS -Playing music and touring in Asia -Entering the Navy -Identity and Race in Japan vs USA -Military experience as a Nuclear Reactor Operator -Getting shot in the chest in Arizona -Effects of the shooting, and the next steps taken -Mentoring youth -Research on Electricity X Food Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 35
Harshit Sedani (ASIJ 2010) Consultant Episode Summary -Being a TCK for BOTH Japan and India -the Indian education system in comparison to international school education in Tokyo -Identity / Experience in the USA college system -Small liberal arts College v large Universities -MBAs -Alumni networks for private v public schools -The aviation industry Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 36
Akshaj Alex Mody (SMIS 2012) Software Engineer Episode Summary - Career Choices (Army Officer, Finance, and Engineering) - Colorado to California - Pivot from finance to tech - "Boot Camp" (for tech) - Work in Japan v the USA in your 20s, vertical ladders, entry-level pay, and opportunity gaps - Advice to people considering making major career changes in their 20s - What. is to come in the next few years and decades Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 37
Raymond Wong (SMIS 1985) *SMIS Alumni President Representative Director and President of Wells Fargo Japan Episode Summary -The international school experience: going as a student v having a child attend and why send children to international schools -Deciding what type of educational path (Japanese, American, etc) children should pursue - Cultural variance within a bi-cultural family - St. Marys as a parent vs student - The finance market in Japan in the 1990s - Expatriate culture and how it is changing in the 21st century - Taiwan/Singapore in the 1990s - Raymonds and "identity" - How mixed children vary in identity, even within the same family - Being at Bear Stearns in 2008 - COVID-19 v the 2008 Financial Crisis - Raymond's belief in regard to how we engage COVID-19 will define our character - The SMIS Alumni Council (SMAA) - Iron Man and marathons Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 38
Rafai Eddy (ASIJ 2007) Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Design Mika Eddy (Wang) (ASIJ 2007) Digital Health & Product Innovation Episode Summary -What are the challenges/advantages of being an "international-school couple"? -Which cities are best for "international-school couples"? -ADALU BABY, for mixed babies/children - Navigating three different cultures/languages -Rafai and Trinidad RAFAI ONLY - Growing up being half black in Japan - Rafai being in Johnnys Jr ジャニーズJr. - Playing NCAA Division I Soccer - Playing for LA FC 10 (a team owned by Alessandro Del Piero) - Fulbright in China - How to leverage technology to improve the distribution of care - The future of American healthcare Youtube Link Anchor Link |
Episode 39
Tats Fujioka (ASIJ 1997-2017 Teacher and Coach) Educator ポッドキャストの概観 ー日本の学校からインターへ転職した際の思い出 ー8年生の北海道のアイヌ交流とスキー旅行 ーアメリカンスクールの日本文化と現地の人間との交流の減少傾向。 ーふじせんのASIJ中学の歴代スターティング5 ー藤岡先生のコーチとしての理念、哲学と人事 ー2001年アメリカンスクール対センメの思い出 ーインターでのコーチィングと教育の哲学・理念 ー20年間のコーチングの中、最も印象深かった試合 ー「負けたことがあるということがいつか大きな財産になる」 ーふじせんから卒業生へのメッセージ Youtube Link Anchor LInk |
Taka Kaneko (MC Taka) (YIS 2004)
MC - Entertainer - Chapman University / California - Being a Japanese "salaryman" - Taka's "datsu-sara" leaving the corporate world - A turning point, MCing at "Emergenza" - Most memorable MCing event - MCing at weddings / how to deal with public speaking pressure - Why MCing is worthwhile - Being a vocalist in a band / writing lyrics in English vs Japanese -The linguistic perspectives of Japanese v English - TikTok (MC TAKAのズボラ英会話) Takas Youtube Channel Youtube Link Anchor Link |